Distributed computing architecture

Results: 2392

41Computing / Concurrent computing / Parallel computing / Transaction processing / Data management / Distributed computing architecture / Databases / MapReduce / Replication / Serializability / File system / Map

Transactional In-memory Storage for Extended MapReduce Kim-Thomas Rehmann and Michael Schöttner Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf Abteilung Betriebssysteme

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Source URL: www.gsd.inesc-id.pt

Language: English - Date: 2012-02-23 13:28:01
42Computing / Technology / Academia / Distributed computing / Systems / Computer architecture / Scalability / Routing / Internet / Theoretical computer science / Scott Shenker / Complexity

Incentives and Internet Algorithms Joan Feigenbaum Yale University http://www.cs.yale.edu/~jf

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Source URL: cs-www.cs.yale.edu

Language: English - Date: 2004-06-08 06:15:27
43Computing / Distributed data storage / Concurrent computing / File sharing / Peer-to-peer / Distributed hash table / Kademlia / Distributed computing / Cloud computing / Grid computing / Pastry / Peer-to-Peer Protocol

Introducing a Distributed Cloud Architecture with Efficient Resource Discovery and Optimal Resource Allocation Praveen Khethavath, Johnson Thomas, Eric Chan-Tin and Hong Liu Computer Science Oklahoma State University Ema

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Source URL: www.cs.okstate.edu

Language: English - Date: 2013-08-21 20:31:56
44Computing / Concurrent computing / Software engineering / Parallel computing / Memory management / Distributed computing architecture / Computer architecture / Shared memory / Memory / C dynamic memory allocation / Message Passing Interface / Distributed shared memory

Lecture 34: One-sided Communication in MPI William Gropp www.cs.illinois.edu/~wgropp Thanks to

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Source URL: wgropp.cs.illinois.edu

Language: English - Date: 2015-04-21 12:42:32
45Concurrent computing / Computing / Parallel computing / Distributed shared memory / Shared memory / Distributed memory / Memory architecture / Multiprocessing / Synchronization / Cache coherence / Cache / Symmetric multiprocessing


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Source URL: www5.in.tum.de

Language: English - Date: 2014-01-10 07:00:27
46Computing / Computer architecture / Fault-tolerant computer systems / Network management / Cluster computing / Load balancing / Routing / High-availability cluster / Computer cluster / Session / Server / Replication

Making Clustering Work with SecureTransport A Technical Overview of High-Availability, High-Capacity and Geographically Distributed Clustering Models from Tumbleweed Communications Corp. Making Clustering Work with Sec

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Source URL: www.ventajamarketing.com

Language: English - Date: 2009-11-19 00:27:56
47Computing / Internet / Network architecture / File sharing / Computer networking / Distributed computing architecture / Overlay network / Routing / Round-trip delay time / Peer-to-peer / Sybil attack / Tor

Secure Latency Estimation with Treeple Eric Chan-Tin and Nicholas Hopper University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN USA {dchantin, hopper}@cs.umn.edu

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Source URL: www.cs.okstate.edu

Language: English - Date: 2011-08-15 19:32:41
48Computing / Computer architecture / Software / Inter-process communication / Distributed computing architecture / Middleware / Remote procedure call / Stub / Local Procedure Call / V / Spring / Method stub

Implementing Remote Procedure Calls ANDREW D. BIRRELL and BRUCE JAY NELSON Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Remote procedure calls (RPC) appear to be a useful paradig m for providing communication across a network between

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Source URL: www.cs.fsu.edu

Language: English - Date: 2004-01-27 14:55:03
49Computing / Concurrent computing / Parallel computing / Distributed computing architecture / Apache Software Foundation / Data-intensive computing / MapReduce / Apache Hadoop / Big data / Dataspaces / Vertica / Database

Database Research at the National University of Singapore Stephane Bressan Chee Yong Chan Wynne Hsu Mong-Li Lee Tok-Wang Ling Beng Chin Ooi Kian-Lee Tan Anthony K.H. Tung National University of Singapore, Singapore 11741

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Source URL: www.comp.nus.edu.sg

Language: English - Date: 2013-05-31 04:22:41
50Systems engineering / Concurrent computing / Computing / Systems science / Enterprise application integration / Software architecture / Middleware / Message passing / Distributed computing / Message oriented middleware / Enterprise service bus

Toward Integration New Year’s Integration Resolutions Steve Vinoski • Verivue

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Source URL: steve.vinoski.net

Language: English - Date: 2009-01-22 01:16:16